Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Bad day I've ever had!

It's been a year ago when I and my friends who were Astronomy study club member join Kalimantan Physic Competition 2013 (KALPHYCO 2013) in Lambung Mangkurat University. We prepared all equipment to make the rockets and we did many times experiment to test perform of rocket. Actually, i was in unhealth condition but i was really excited to join the competition.

On the day, we went to the opening event. Then we when to the competition area, soccer field of UNLAM. Until that day i still on unhealth condition but my spirit to participate was bigger. We saw other participant who bring many amazing equipment there. It was make us unconfident.

When our turn, we walk to the area. We walk in front of other participant. Suddenly, i felt impact on my head. I fell out to the grass. I cried louder because i couldnt hold the pain anymore. The comittee event carried me out to the health tent. I couldnt open my left eyes because the water rocket hit my left temple. I worried if my left eye got wound. Ugh! No longer my teacher brought me to the hospital. In the hospital emergency unit staff clean my injury. My teammate called my parents. A moment later my parents picked me up to the home.

It was the worst experience i have ever had. It was left traumatized for myself. I had learned from the incident that healthy is one of important thing for our concentration of something we did.

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Harus Mengerti

Semua terasa salah
Semua terasa hina
Ketika rasa itu tak bisa lepas
Dari diri yang telah terhempas

Cinta jadi suatu yang jauh dari artinya
Memberi walaupun tak diiberi
Menerima meski tak diterima

Lihatlah aku disini
Haruskah ini terjadi

Lakukanlah sampai engkau puas
Cari saja apa yang hatimu mau
Sampai kapanpun aku
Mencoba tetap mengerti

Teruskanlah sampai engkau jera
Dustai dan khianati lukai hatiku
Meski lautan air mataku mengering
Ku coba tetap mengerti

Saya nonton re-run Indonesian Idol 2014  2 minggu yang lalu saat Ryan D’Angga finalis favorit saya membawakan lagu Tetap Mengerti nya Kerispatih. Dengan sendunya saya kembali terkapar ke masa lalu. Jahat kau kak Ryan! /?

Saya pernah mengalami hal yang sama oleh tokoh di lagu ini. Rasanya abstrak. Pedih. Saya bukan lagi orang yang munafik untuk bilang bahwa saya baik-baik saja padahal tidak demikian.

Untungnya karena hal itu sampai saat ini saya tetap mengerti. Memberi pengertian pada diri sendiri bahwa jika suatu hari saya bertemu dengan orang-orang yang demikian saya harus benar-benar berani melepaskan. 

Untuk yang mempunyai sejuta sabar dan pengertian diluar sana, berbahagia lah kalian ^^